Keep up to date on all the student travel news you need to know.

Nothing beats a good performance festival experience! Whether you’re looking to take your band, choir, orchestra or theatre students to a festival for a fun experience or to be adjudicated by a panel of experts, there’s a memorable experience waiting for you. Check out these top events and festivals to consider!

Michael Peterson is no stranger to student travel with ETI. As Choir Director for seventh through 12th-grade choirs at Clarkston Community Schools in Clarkston, Michigan, he’s taken trips with his students to destinations like Chicago, New York City, Disneyworld and St. Louis.

Part of what makes ETI’s work so successful is regularly hitting the road and connecting with educators to share how ETI can help make their student trips an unforgettable success. 

The ETI team has been keeping busy, to say the least, with a presence at multiple conferences across the nation the past couple months, including the Michigan Music Conference, Illinois Music Education Conference, Missouri Music Educators Association Conference, the Ohio Music Education Association Conference and more.