Keep up to date on all the student travel news you need to know.

If you’ve got a trip coming up this spring, there’s no doubt that the excitement and anticipation is building amongst yourself and your students. All your hard work is about to come to fruition, after all. But before the thrills can begin, take a look at this checklist to ensure you’re still on track with your tail-end planning.

Sarah Sacco understands how important student trips can be for those who experience them. As Director of Bands for grades 7-12 at Ava Schools in Ava, Missouri, Sacco has seen it firsthand in her own travels with ETI.

Student travel

Home to unparalleled heritage, vibrant cultural and performing arts, great outdoor adventures and more, Virginia is a favorite choice for traveling educators and their students! The state is known as the gateway to the south and is covered by the Allegheny and Blue Ridge mountains—with the great Shenandoah Valley falling in between—and boasts an Atlantic Ocean coastline. Virginia is also home to more U.S. presidents than any other state!