Keep up to date on all the student travel news you need to know.

Traveling abroad, especially with close friends and classmates, is a very exciting opportunity. For those who have not been outside the U.S., it also can be overwhelming to experience different social norms and safety concerns. Whether visiting our neighbor Canada or heading overseas, it’s important to remember that you are representing not only yourself, but also your instructor, peers, school and country!

Travel is known to inspire people. Shelly Cole, Director of Vendor Partnerships and Trip Coordinator, is no exception. After 20 years with Educational Tours, Inc. one very special trip she experienced during her second year in the student travel industry stands out for the inspiration she felt. Back then, Shelly had the opportunity to travel to Niagara Falls with an inner-city middle school group. She was particularly excited for the trip so she could see the results of what she helped organize.

Photos are a great way to capture memories on your tours—and even market your product. While you may not have a fancy camera (or if you do, you may not want to lug it around with you), smartphones enable us to take high-quality photos and edit them. Here are four tips to help you take better photos with your phone.